[NEWS] DZS will be at Fiber Connect 2024

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Enable YOU.

DZS Academy enables you to become an expert in DZS products and solutions. The Academy also has a certification track for partners and customers on DZS products. We use a state-of-the-art Learning Management System for delivery online classes, as well as certifications.

  • Online web based sessions
  • On-site and remote hands-on training sessions
  • 1-day to 5-day customizable courses
  • Courses delivered via cloud-based Learning Management System

Enable yourself and your peers to become the expert on DZS solutions.

DZS Academy
Enabling the hyper-connected world

DZS Academy Course Catalog

DZS believes the best customer is an educated customer. Our instructors have decades of experience providing customers with technical instruction and our courses cover a broad range of topics.

You, the Expert

Simple and Self-Paced

Online courses at your own pace, on your own schedule

Certifications on DZS Technologies

All completed training courses - both web-based and instructor led - qualify for DZS certifications

Learn, Share and Implement in Your Network

Learn about DZS products and how to manage your network elements, both HW and SW

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