[NEWS] DZS Inc. Announces Sale Process Timeline for DZS Assets Read More

1.0 Introduction

DZS is committed to the highest standards of business and ethical behavior including compliance with national and local applicable laws and regulations, as well as company policies, practices, and procedures. DZS respects internationally recognized Human Rights as established in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and the International Labor Organization’s Core Conventions (see links provided in section 8.0). In line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, DZS recognizes the corporate responsibility to respect these principles. Commitment to Human Rights includes proactive communications with our business and major supply chain partners to influence potential human rights impacts beyond our direct control.

Our support of internationally recognized Human Rights is consistent with our DZS Core Values for Respect, Accountability, Integrity and Community. In addition to this statement, Section III Diversity and Section IV Employment, Recruitment, and Selection, Section G Standard of Conduct of the DZS Employee handbook compliments and aligns with the guidelines and principles herein.

2.0 Objectives

The objective of DZS’ policies is to provide clear expectations for the behaviors and ethics expected of employees and business partners. In addition, DZS’ Human Rights statement exists to:

2.1 Inform employees, business partners and customers of DZS’s commitment to human rights.

2.2 Establish DZS’s commitment to ‘know and show’ its respect for human rights through on-going human rights commitment through communication and awareness.

2.3 Maintain DZS’s ethical standards.

2.4 Contribute to the realization of human rights globally.

3.0 Scope

DZS’ Human Rights Statement is global in scope, applying to all DZS employees, anyone doing business for or with DZS, and others acting on DZS’ behalf. For the purpose of this statement the term ‘business partner’ is inclusive of all DZS suppliers, external service providers, reseller and distribution business relationships, and consultants. The statement applies to all locations where DZS conducts business, to all onsite or offsite company-sponsored events, and any location where a DZS employee may be conducting business on behalf of DZS to include customer and business partner premises.

4.0 Definition

Human rights are basic rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of nationality, place of residence, sex, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status. 

5.0 Guidelines

DZS conducts its business in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of all people, complying with all applicable laws and regulations. Our policies reflect our commitment to respecting the protection of internationally recognized Human Rights.

5.1 All employment with DZS is voluntary. We do not use child or forced labor in any of our operations or facilities. We do not tolerate any form of unacceptable treatment of workers, including but not limited to the exploitation of children, physical punishment or abuse, or involuntary servitude. We fully respect all applicable laws establishing a minimum age for employment, in order to support the effective abolition of child labor worldwide.

5.2 DZS abides by all laws and regulations regarding pay practices and the classification of employment according to job level and status.

5.3 Diversity is embraced at DZS. We recognize that a diverse mix of backgrounds, skills and experiences drives new ideas, products, and services and provides us with a sustained competitive advantage.

5.4 We believe everyone should be treated with respect regardless of their background. We are committed to the elimination of discrimination based on gender, race, class, economic status, ethnic background, sexual orientation, age, political beliefs, veteran status, marital status, or any other protected class.

5.5 DZS’ business partner relationships include the requirement for all suppliers, vendors, contractors, consultants, and agents to adhere to DZS’s Labor standards and Code of Conduct policies. DZS expects its business partners to respect all human rights.

6.0 Responsibility

The Human Rights statement is owned and maintained by DZS’ People Experience function. The People Experience function is responsible for the creation, administration, updating and communication of the statement. It is the responsibility of DZS leaders, managers, and employees to understand and support the application of DZS’ Human Rights statement. If Human Rights violations are discovered, employees and business partners have a duty to report said violations to DZS.

7.0 Compliance

Employees and business partners are expected to comply with this and all applicable DZS policies. Where we have sound reason to believe that our employees, or partner organizations infringe Human Rights we reserve the right to cease those relationships. For DZS Employees, violation of this statement will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination and, if applicable, referral to the appropriate authorities. For business partners, violation of this statement will result in action up to an including the cancellation of contracts with DZS and, if applicable, referral to the appropriate authorities.  Specific to this statement, employees and business partners are expected to:

7.1 Never infringe on human rights.

7.2 Be alert to any evidence of human rights infringements in our direct operations or in the operations of our business partners and report any situation in which a human rights infringement is suspected.

8.0 References

For further information regarding human rights, please refer to:

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/

International Labor Organization’s Core Conventions: http://ilo.org/global/standards/introduction-to-international-labour-standards/conventions-and-recommendations/lang–en/index.htm

Download a copy (PDF) of DZS’ Human Rights Statement.

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