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US Broadband Stimulus Programs

Fueled in part by the coronavirus pandemic that highlighted broadband’s arrival as an essential service, there has been a recent massive influx of federal stimulus funding particularly for fiber-based broadband deployments in the United States and internationally.

The most notable, because of its size and scope in the U.S., is the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program created by the bi-partisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that gives $42.5 billion to the states for various broadband infrastructure projects and additional billions in Middle Mile grants, Tribal Broadband, various Rural Utilities Service (RUS) Broadband programs, as well as Digital Equity.

Other programs, like the Coronavirus Response and Consolidated Appropriations (CARES) Act, the Capital Projects Funds, the ReConnect Loan and Grant program and others increase the available funds over the next few years by another $30 Billion.

There are four agencies leading this historic effort:
  • The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)
  • The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
  • The Department of the Treasury
  • The US Department of Agriculture

The timelines and opportunities of funding for these programs all vary. For more information, please visit internetforall.gov.

Why DZS?

DZS is closely monitoring this activity and is uniquely qualified to help customers leverage these unprecedented funding opportunities because of our extensive experience in building advanced fiber access infrastructure; extending the middle mile and transport networks that enable these networks; leveraging leading-edge software to orchestrate, automate, assure service performance; and managing and delivering extraordinary end-user broadband experiences.

DZS has the solutions and services to help you meet your delivery requirements and most importantly, efficiently grow and scale your networks in the future.

Programs to Spotlight

Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program

Applications open now through September 30, 2022

Capital Projects Fund

Contact your State Broadband Office for more information

Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program

More information on the BEAD program will be available in 2023

DZS – The Strategic Option for Stimulus Investment

Leverage Grants to Build Strategically Today, Operate the Most Efficient and Future-Proof Network Tomorrow

Broadband stimulus funds are not a growth strategy. They are a tactical way to invest in areas too expensive to service historically and to expand the scope and scale of your business. Strategic service providers will look beyond the initial buildout to leverage solutions that will allow them to operate and scale efficiently and thrive in delivering the best possible services to their customers. DZS access and optical transport solutions lead the industry in performance and efficiency, and our software portfolio allows service providers to deliver extraordinary customer experiences, ensure service performance, and operate as efficiently as possible.

Xcelerate by DZS

Xcelerate by DZS gives service providers the ability to deliver multi-gigabit services over fiber today and expand to 25/50/100 Gbps services across the same equipment in future.

Learn more here

DZS Subscriber Edge Solutions

DZS Subscriber Edge solutions provide unrivaled broadband coverage and flexibility, ranging from simple fiber termination to advanced Mesh WiFi whole home coverage.

Learn more here

DZS CloudCheck Software

DZS CloudCheck delivers the ultimate WiFi subscriber experience, while dramatically reducing churn and truck rolls.

Learn more here

DZS Xtreme Software

DZS Xtreme software gives you more control over your network with leading-edge orchestration and automation capabilities for extraordinary efficiency and agility.

Learn more here

Made in the USA

DZS in the only US-based broadband connectivity and mobile and optical edge transport company that actually manufactures its products in the USA.

Our facilities in Seminole, Florida not only give you peace of mind, but can be a key advantage in resolving supply chain and responsiveness challenges.


Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program

The Middle Mile Grant (MMG) program is complementary to the BEAD program and offers $1 Billion to build out the transport infrastructure necessary to connect unserved and underserved communities.

DZS currently provides middle mile and xHaul services to many of the world’s most advanced 10 Gigabits per second (Gbps) and 5G networks. The company also recently introduced DZS Saber, the world’s first modular, compact, and environmentally hardened 100 – 400 Gbps coherent optics platform optimized for middle mile and access edge opportunities. The Saber platform is ideal for MMG recipients.

Applications opened June 21 and close on September 30, 2022.


Capital Projects Fund


Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program (BEAD)

Builds high-speed internet infrastructure where needed, supports job training, provides the equipment needed and drives partnerships to close the digital divide.

The program is in the early stages of deployment, with the Notice of Funds Opportunities (NOFO) issued, but many of the rules and its foundational broadband mapping still underway. DZS will update you when there are opportunities to leverage these funds.

The Feds Oversee the Funds, But the States Are Running the Show

In contrast to previous broadband stimulus programs, today's stimulus programs are primarily run by the states, who have been given the responsibility of selecting where funds are invested. The states are in various stages of development in their broadband maturity, and nearly half are still in the process of establishing broadband offices and administration processes. DZS can help you navigate what broadband programs are available and how to apply for and implement them.

American Rescue Plan Act
Capital Projects Fund
Additional Funding Information
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